
My Handmade Le Corbusier Couch

Finally finished.^^

80% finished
100% finished

1:6 scale


Current Project

Been working on a 1:6 scale of this lately... I'm pretty sure you have an idea what it is ^_~.


will post finished product soon...


First Kitchen Creation

I have been avoiding creating a mini kitchen for awhile now, thinking it would be hard to make one and that getting that elusive My First Kenmore Kitchen playset by Sears in Ebay would be nicer than what I would be able to make. Well I haven't had luck winning that kitchen even with the help of my skilled Ebay-sniper-husband who really rarely looses a bid. Lol. (Some people are just willing to pay way more for it.) I was still expecting to get my hands on one in the future, but just recently a friend requested for a custom kitchen for her own collection and I just couldn't say no. Turns out it wasn't really harder than the other pieces I have worked on. In the end, it may not seem as great as the Sears Kenmore kitchen, but I do believe it has a charm of its own. ^_^

Here are some pics...


White Barcelona Day Bed

Made the bed for a Flickr Friend. ^_^


A Newly Grad's Apartment

Thought of creating a room setting that will appeal to a hip single newly grad girl who's looking forward to a more independent life. ^_^ Why this style? *shrug* No real reason. ;)


Another Blog Feature

Talk about the great power of cyberspace. I am meeting more awesome people for the past month than I have for the past 5 years! Well ok maybe not that exaggerated, but BuzzBeast a blog featuring interesting design trends and products sent me a message through My Etsy account and informed me that they featured my Barcelona day bed in the blog. It really feels amazing when unexpected people randomly discover your works. I couldn't be happier!

+2 Skill Points Earned!

I was busy creating 2 couches for 2 Flickr friends these past 2 days. (Talk about 2s! Lolz.) I basically copied the design from the first couch I made and did a few modifications. I made it slightly closer to 1:6 scale to fit their Blythe and Pullip Dolls better. I was happy with how the two couches turned out. Placing my first couch beside these new couches made me realize my skills are improving. Even my hubby thinks they look cleaner and better. Which makes me feel really ecstatic. It's the same feeling when you learn a new yoyo trick. ^_^

Here is a picture of the new couch. I also gave it a little graphic layout just for fun. :D


Momoko on the Barcelona Day Bed

I made this Barcelona day bed few weeks ago and listed it in My Dragondee Etsy Shop. Fortunately, no one has bought it yet ;P, so my new Momoko doll had a chance to try out the day bed for herself. I spent so much time making it that I'm kinda having second thoughts letting go, at the moment anyway. I wonder if Momoko will beg me to keep it. Lol. O_o


I'm the 500th Photo Uploader in MiniTreasures!!!

I was lucky enough to upload the 500th picture in Mini Treasures . I didn't really win any prize but Johanna the group's amazing moderator sent me a message and asked for a written interview! Something I haven't really done since autograph books hit big in grade school. It was a fun experience and I was deeply honored to see myself in the site's Blog.

You can see my interview here.

And here is the photo I uploaded that got me the interview. :D


My First Apartment

My First Apartment
Lot Area: 150 square inches
2 Bedrooms No Bath
1 Living room and 1 Family room

Address: by the windowsill in my house :D

These are just sample set-ups for some of my furniture creations. Most furniture are on their way to their new owners. Yey! I'm super excited to see how they're gonna set them up. Brb...Gonna make some more...


My dream Design Studio

I made a pact with a former colleague and close friend a year or two ago. We were both migrating to other countries and so we made a promise to come back to the mother land in 10 years and establish our own design agency. We both love working in a laid back-homey type environment and I always try to imagine what our dream office would be like. A few days ago I felt like taking a break from "miniaturing" and just play with my Re-ment collection for awhile. I had a couple of saddle foot desks made to sell in Etsy at that time and I just got excited with visualizing my dream design studio in 3D miniature!

Here are some shots...

Ofcourse I would prefer a really spacious office with a great working area and a place for prototyping machines and printers for the real thing! For the mean time, I am happy just to dream about it in miniature. ^_^


After selling my first line of playscale miniatures in My Etsy Shop, my first buyer requested for me to create a couch that will go along with the stuff she first bought. Unfortunately, we both never wrote back to each other when I finished the two couches for her to choose from. Something I still feel guilty about, being the seller I should have followed up on her if she still wanted it, but I feel I'll be too pushy if I did. :/ I'm really not a sales person. (There wasn't any payment made yet for the record). I ended up selling one of the couches to someone else and keeping one for myself. But I'll be creating new ones soon again. Hopefully, I'll have the courage to message my first buyer by then.

Here are pics of some of my first couches...


A Test Post and How This All Started (Personal Story)

I moved to California from the Philippines just four months ago to marry my seven-year LDR boyfriend. So now, I’m a newbie housewife stuck at home with no driver’s license and a cat lady for a neighbor. This isn’t really how I envisioned my life at age 26, at 40 maybe. I know I'm just in limbo right now due to some legal paper works to process, but having worked in the design world for the past years, my hands actually need to constantly do something creative or it tells my brain to get bored and depressed. So with a little help from a friend who went through the same thing, culture shock symptom as she calls it, I realized I could actually use this opportunity to do personal projects I have always wanted to do. One of which is creating mini furniture to go with my Re-ment collection. As most re-ment addicts would know, re-ment doesn’t really create a whole lot of furniture. In addition most modern miniatures made and sold online are either pink or made in 1:12 scale. This is how I decided to make my own.

Here are some pics of my first creations...

*After finishing the furniture I ended up creating some handmade furnishing to go along with them, but that's another story.

They eventually got sold in ETSY. I needed the funds. Lolz. But I will soon post more pics of other creations that followed.